What exactly comprises a gorgeous look? A look which is attractive, catches attention and leaves a lasting impression. It is your wholesome image starting with your looks, style to your inner confidence & outer reactions. It is not only confined to your healthy skin, staying in shape, dressing styles but in fact much more than that. It is also a refection of your confidence in your walk, the postures you wear & the way you interact with people.

            Here you are given some useful tips to get a gorgeous look. Practice them and find the difference yourself.

Gorgeous look is all about your: 1.Style, 2.Confidence, 3.Posture, 4.Walking Style, 5.Interacting with people

                                                     6.Looks, 7.Staying in Shape, 8.Healthy Skin


       Wear cloths that suits & fits you properly.

Keep the makeup natural. Wear very light makeup with light glossy lips for daily routine

On occasions you can wear a make up which suits your skin type & dress. 


        Be confident & believe in yourself. Believe you are beautiful; Yes,you are!! You are as beautiful & young as you feel.


        In the words of fitness expert Jane Wake 'The secret of a youthful-looking body is a youthful spine, If your posture is bad, the muscles weaken, the

back bends and that adds years - at any age'.

Bad posture is just a bad habit.

        Some girls/women have bad posture because they are conscious about their bust size. Check out your way of sitting and standing. I bet, you will find yourself much confident & good looking while standing with a straight spine and broad shoulders.

        Moreover just not standing & sitting in the right posture make you feel a fat tummy.Envisage yourself standing straight with shoulders blade back & holding the head straight. The right posture will make you feel taller as well as much confident.

Walking Style

       Your walk must demonstrate your confidence. Walking with confidence casts a ideal first impression on the people all around you. Many people have the bad habit of slouching. Others use to look down whenever confronted with an uneasy situation. These bad habits spoils your image and presents you as a drooping and incompetent personality.

      So if you really want to impress others with your personality, work upon your walking style. You must not opt for a hunched appearance, instead while walking keep your body upright & walk straight. Keep your shoulders back and hold your neck high with eyes looking forward. Your arms should not be folded, instead must be at your sides. Lastly your steps should be brisk and long one. If you feel your walk is not up to mark, you must practice walking. This practice will definitely improve your walk.

       I can bet you will feel more confident with improved walking style.


       Wear a smile as you walk and keep smiling. You not only look beautiful & approachable with a smile but it projects your confidence . Here it is to keep in mind that smile doesn't mean grinning. I mean a subtle natural smile here. A smile with a perfect walking style adds grace to your personality.

Interacting with people

      Greet people as you approach them. Make your voice clear, confident and  audible. Always make an eye contact with people, no matter you know them or they are stranger for you. Eye contact while talking reflects your confidence in yourself.

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